I come from a long line of creative do-it-yourselfers. “Where there is a will, there is a way”, was a common phrase heard in our household growing up. If I ever had a tough problem to handle, my parent's instructions were to "Figure it out. I'm sure you will find a solution". Sometimes, that journey can take a few years……

About Our Soap
Benefits of goat’s milk soap
It’s good for your skin! It is rich in restorative proteins, minerals, vitamins and natural moisturizers.

My Inspiration for Making Soap

Where to Buy
Our online shop is open! You can purchase our handcrafted soaps at shop.thebubblinggoat.com
Keep in Touch!
Stop by and say hi!
Apple Hill festival at High Hill Ranch
October 5 through November 29, seven days a week, 9am-6 pm.
Featuring a make your own bar of soap activity.